Two Heads System Review
Name: Two Heads System
Price: £97.00
Type: Laying/Backing System
Win rate: 60%+
Rating: 8/10
It is really a rare opportunity, that 2 seasoned punters come together and put their strategies in the same system, but that is exactly what happened here with Two Heads System. Can two heads really come to better conclusion than one?It seems like the old saying is true, but lets elaborate a little more on that.
Both authors, Steve James and Anthony Gibson, had some success on their own. Though some people might say otherwise because Gibson is perhaps more related to some other types of systems, like those for financial markets, the popular “Forex”.
Two Heads System overview
So what is this Two Heads System all about? Well, not to give out too much, we can say a few words about it. Two Heads System picks out horses that have had a problem winning in type of race they are running. This is a lay part of this system. But it gets better. Authors decided not to lay these horse on win, nut on place markets in Betfair. This means that your liability will be much lower, thus eliminating nasty hits to your bankroll.
The backing part of Two Heads System is to try and find horses who have potential, but it is not commonly seen in good results. They aim to bet these horses each way, again to try and lower the long losing stretches.
If you want to be able to follow Two Heads System you will have to use Racing Post. Although you can have Two Heads System at £97 you can have tips for £30 monthly by telephone. To tell you the truth, this system is awfully hard if you are not a veteran horse racing punter, so and additional check with Two Heads System telephone service might be a good idea if you are not able to get the hang of it.
Depending on many factors (including both horse and trainer and many others) you will either put a each way bet, or back a horse at place market on Betfair. And for the ones you are laying, you will lay them in place market on Betfair. Two Heads System unfortunately requires you to be at your computer during the off to make the correct type of bet, which will depend on horse odds just before the off.
But don’t worry, you can skip a few races or even days. You are not waiting for that one big winner to cover your loses. Two Heads System is pretty steady going. When we took this horse racing system for a ride, we didn’t have time for all the races each day, so we skipped a few now and then. It really wont make much difference.
Two Heads System results
Authors say you should have a 200 units bank, but we though, given the low liability, that was just exaggerating a bit, so we run a test with 100 unit bank. This is standard most serious punters are holding on to, so no reason to back out with Two Heads System. And if Two Heads System proves bad we will lose only 100 units. If it really lost 100 units, we would have to conclude it doesn’t work, since such runs is very unlikely (more than 1 in a million) over our 30 bets.
So wee took Two Heads System for test in 8 weeks. We had 306 bets. This brought us to 187 winning bets or lays (a fair 61% strike rate). We had 28.7 units profit. That is a fair yield of over 9% which is satisfying. Not too good, but fair profit. Now imagine if you had a £10 000 betting money, and you betting Two Heads System whole year. You would earn £18 000. That sounds better now? Certainly does compared with all scam horse racing systems out there.
Just to be sure we also did a little check with their tips service. Although less than 5% runners were different, it didn’t make much difference. The results we show are the on for our bets, not Two Heads System tips service. We had our doubt as for fist 2 weeks we weren’t getting good result, but then the Two Heads System showed it is really worth £97.
So in conclusion – Two Heads System is a good one, don’t overlook it. Even if you are betting £10 bet bet, that is almost 2 grand per year – not to be easily overlooked. If it wasn’t so complex we would give it a bit more, this way we will give Two Heads System a very nice – 8/10.
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